Minor Volleyball

Registration for the 2024-2025 Season is full!
League Overview
  • Recreational Co-Ed league for children ages 8-18
  • Consists of all skill sets from newly introduced into the sport to highly skilled competitive players
  • 4 divisions with 4-8 teams per division
  • Each team usually has 9 players and 1-3 coaches
  • Evaluations at the start of the season (usually 2-3 weeks) to determine the skill level and help with attempting to balance the teams


  • $140 + HST (ArcelorMittal Dofasco employees/retirees/family members receive a 10% discount)

Our Goal:

This is a recreational league and not a club or competitive league. Our ultimate goal is to develop their interest in this sport, hope they continue to return, possibly build confidence in themselves to try out and even play for their school teams. If some choose to play advanced volleyball and branch out to play club level, that is great too. Some of our players have gone on to play University volleyball within Canada and the US. I also know of some who have played in the European leagues.

Our Coaches:

Our coaches’ skill levels range from parents willing to support the teams, to skilled players giving time back to the sport, to elementary & secondary school coaches and to club level coaches.

Looking forward to seeing you for our fall/winter program.

Any further information can be obtained by reaching out to the Executive team at dofascominorvolleyball@gmail.com where they should respond within a few days to a week.


Saturday mornings from September 14, 2024 – March 1, 2025

  • 18U (16-18 year olds): 9am-10am – Warm up, run drills, and then play 3 games for the last 45-50 minutes.
  • 15U (14-15 year olds): 10am-11am – Warm up, run drills, and then play 3 games for the remaining 40-45 minutes.
  • 13U (12-13 year olds): 11am-12pm – During the regular season, they will perform a variety of drills where participants work on their skills, learn the rotations & formations used in volleyball, then play 2-3 games for the remaining 30-45 minutes.
  • 11U (8-11 year olds): 12pm-1pm – During the regular season, they will learn the basic skills required and the basic rotations involved in volleyball, most of the time coaches are getting them involved in a variety of skill training. We usually try to have two additional players from the upper divisions to assist the coaches so that the ratio is 1 coach to every 2-3 children. We are always looking to improve upon our training methods, specifically for this division. They will attempt to play 1 game for 15-20 minutes. During the play-offs they will play 3 games for 40 minutes.

There will be no sessions on the following dates:

Saturday, December 14th, 2024

Saturday, December 21st, 2024


The Dofasco Minor Volleyball league is open to children/grandchildren of ArcelorMittal Dofasco employees, retirees, family members, and ArcelorMittal Dofasco sponsored associates.

18U (born 2006-2008)

15U (born 2009-2010)

13U (born 2011-2012)

11U (born 2013-2016)



Refund Policy

Please note refunds will only be provided for requests made before Saturday, September 14, 2024.